Energy Programs
Blue Ridge Community Action is proud to offer various programs that assist low-income households in reducing their monthly energy costs.
Not all services are available in all counties.
Different programs may have other eligibility requirements for participation.
Programs may have waitlists for services.
Multi-family units cannot exceed 4 connected units and/or 5 buildings total per property

Weatherization Assistance Program
Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Gaston, Mecklenburg, Stanly, and Union Counties
What is Weatherization?
The services provided by the Weatherization Assistance Program reduce your energy costs by improving your home's energy efficiency. These services reduce the average annual energy costs by $300 per home. Through the Weatherization Assistance Program, trained technicians evaluate the needs of each home by conducting an energy audit. They suggest the energy efficiency methods that are the most appropriate and cost-effective for your home, making it warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and safe all year long.
Who is Eligible to Receive Weatherization Assistance?
The Weatherization Assistance Program is administered through N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Agencies throughout the state deliver the services to eligible residents. Families with incomes below 200% (of the Federal Poverty Level or households that have received income from SSI or TANF a maximum of 12 months before weatherization are automatically eligible, regardless of income.
Due to the demand for services, eligible applicants for weatherization assistance may be placed on a waiting list for services.
The Weatherization Assistance Program prioritizes eligible families, serving the elderly, people with disabilities, and families with children first.​
Both homeowners and renters can receive Weatherization Services. We can help renters obtain permission from their landlords for these home improvements.
Heating and Air
Repair + Replacement Program
Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Gaston, Mecklenburg, Stanly, and Union Counties
The Heating & Air Repair and Replacement program provides services for those persons with inadequate or no heating system or air conditioning. The energy efficiency measures installed and improvements in heating or cooling equipment will provide energy savings for 15-20 years. This program is associated with the Weatherization Assistance Program.
Typical services include:
• Performing tune-ups and repairs to heating and cooling systems
• Improving health and safety conditions by addressing carbon monoxide levels and combustion safety
• Sealing major air leaks
• Installing insulation in attics, walls, and floors
• Sealing and insulating ducts
• Installing a smart thermostat
Who is Eligible to Receive HARRP Assistance?
Households whose total gross income is 200% over the poverty line or less, according to the latest federal poverty guidelines, are eligible for HARRP. Households that have received income from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program or the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are NOT automatically eligible. Rental units are eligible for HARRP; however, unless the owner is also income-eligible for the program, they must contribute 50% of the repair or replacement costs.
To determine an applicant’s eligibility for these services, we need the following information:
• Total family income in the past 12 months
• Utility records for the past 24 months
• Proof of home ownership
We can help residents obtain this information and complete the application process.