Home Delivered Meals
Sorry, this program is only available in Caldwell County, NC

The Home Delivered Meals Program is funded through the Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG). The Program provides a nutritious meal to persons who live in Caldwell County who meet the following criteria:
Must be age 60 or over and be mentally or physically unable to obtain food or prepare meals
Has no one responsible person who is able and willing to perform this service
Unable to participate in the Congregate Nutrition Program because of physical or mental impairment
The spouse of an older person, if one or the other is homebound because of illness or incapacitating disability
Dietary needs must be met through the meals offered.
Meals are delivered by volunteers. The routes are limited.
To Apply, Call: 828-438-6255 and press 0
*Ask to put in a referral for Home Delivered Meals services
Program Coordinator: Stephanie Abernathy